Outbound vs. Inbound Sales
A lot of people assume that marketing their business must involve outbound sales—that is, strategies in which you share unsolicited marketing materials. The unwanted flyers that show up in my digital and physical mailboxes; the cold emails from service providers soliciting my work—these are examples of “outbound” sales methods. When someone approaches me and says “hello, would you like to purchase X?,” they’re engaging in an outbound sales strategy. This kind of approach to marketing makes many small business owners and consultants uncomfortable, perhaps because they’ve been on the receiving end of such hard-sell methods. This course will not teach you outbound sales strategies.
Instead, for effective long-term marketing, this course will help you to cultivate inbound sales—that is, clients approaching you and asking, “hello, may I please purchase X?”. This client, who is unknown to you at this point, will have read, heard, watched, or somehow engaged with your marketing materials and clicked on the link directing them to your contact information. You put the work into being broadly and publicly helpful, and inbound sales are the result of that work.